孟加拉猫的头部占分总共为40分(SGCC品种标准)分别为:躯干:8分腿&脚:3分尾巴:4分骨骼:8分肌肉感:8分TORSO- 8:Longand substantial, not oriental or foreign. Medium to large (but not quite aslarge as the largest domestic breed).躯干8分:长而结实,非东方体或是...
孟加拉猫评分标准 - 简述下图为美国TICA协会的评分标准可以清楚的看到每个部位的占分比例整体分为三大部分:头部,身体结构,毛发所以一只所谓的赛级猫必须达到一个基本的平衡感才能够获得良好的成绩接下来是SGCC国际赛猫联盟的评分标准整体来说头部是更为重要的主要评分点后续的文章我会拆解更多相关的细节跟大家进行说明BENGAL/BENGAL LONGHAIRBengal is a medium...
The goal of the Bengal breedingprogram is to create a domestic cat which has physical features distinctive tothe small forest‐dwelling wildcats, and with the loving, dependable temperamentof the do...